Comme c'est facile de 'trimer', ajuster dans la version française d'Autocad avec Revit; dans Autocad, comme vous le savez si vous travaillez avec ce logiciel, on doit définir la limite, couper plusieurs lignes et filletter, alors qu'ici...aussi bien le montrer, je m'excuse si le petit vidéo n'est pas travaillé, un essai avec un enregistreur de captures d'écran, disponible sur le site
Une image vaut mille mots...ici quelques centaines de milliers...:) désolé aussi pour la manoeuvre un peu brouillonne de la souris...une seule prise...:D
If you know Autocad, you can see here that trimming an object in Revit isn't quite the same story, I love it, besides many other things that I am currently discovering in this software, still very much in the learning process, but I am quickly getting the feel of it.
As for the quick video, not a great peace of art I admit, but a fun tool available at this site, much more convenient than printscreens to try to explain it, but of course this is just a first try, the first cut unrevised by the art director...:D
Une image vaut mille mots...ici quelques centaines de milliers...:) désolé aussi pour la manoeuvre un peu brouillonne de la souris...une seule prise...:D
If you know Autocad, you can see here that trimming an object in Revit isn't quite the same story, I love it, besides many other things that I am currently discovering in this software, still very much in the learning process, but I am quickly getting the feel of it.
As for the quick video, not a great peace of art I admit, but a fun tool available at this site, much more convenient than printscreens to try to explain it, but of course this is just a first try, the first cut unrevised by the art director...:D